V2.4 Print Tuning

 Right now, have been playing around with Slic3r, Prusa edition as it is inherently easier to understand and use with different printers and filament types than Simplfy3D. And the fact ate S3D has not been updated for a long, long time... 

Anyway, running currently with the e-Sun ABS+ filament, with the following settings generally:

  • 245 ℃ on first layer and then 240 ℃
  • 100 ℃ on the hot bed for all layers
  • 80mm per second print speed
  • Cooling is set to automatic 15%-30% off for the 5 layers (print on left)
  • Cooling is set to off (print on the right)
  • Still in an unsealed chamber
See the photo below. There is exceptionally poor layer to layer adhesion between the 5th layer and the 6th layer, where the fan turns on. Hence I tried it without the fan, print on right. The quality of the overhang is much poorer. It does not have the same definition and 'sharpness' as the print with cooling. Aside from the layer issue between cooling and not, the print quality is actually quite good. I guess the next test is with fan on all the time. 

Also, not sure if this is caused by a change in slicer software, cause my last cube using S3D, turned out pretty good - not quite as the one with cooling though. 


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