Partially wired deck of the Voron 2.4 bottom panel

 Note that I am using a BTT SKR-Pro v1.2, but I am beginning to regret this decision, and have ordered 2 SKR-1.4. The main benefit that I have now is the 12v power pins that allow me to power the case fans (I could only find the 12v 6020 fans at the time). Originally, I had hoped that I could use the separate heater bed pins and avoid using any SSR or similar. But the limitation of 180W on the heater bed pins killed that idea - yes, it was clearly stated in the manual... Note that I have been 'planning' this build for over 6 months, so the accumulation of parts has varied along with the whims of the build. The other benefit was the faster processor, which I thought could come in useful at some stage. 

Nevertheless, with my problems with the TMC init error, I am rethinking whether it will be easier to go with a standard build. In which case, I will see a 24v MOSFET relay (as I am using a 24v bed heater) as well as a 24-12v buck converter to power the case fans. I have sufficient space to fit it all in, but a shame that at this stage, I cannot resolve the TMC init error, as I think it could be resolvable. 


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