Voron cube after the PA adjustment

 Find attached 3 Voron cubes. 

  1. [Left] Voron cube sliced in Prusa with near standard settings before the pressure advance calibration, printed at 60 mm/sec. 
  2. [Middle] Sliced with Prusaslicer after PA, with 1.0mm retraction, printed at 75 mm/sec. 
  3. [Right[ Sliced with Simplfy3D after PA, with 1.0mm retraction, printed at 75 mm/sec.
The print times between the two slicers were nearly identical, a few minutes difference. The prints post PA has much better corners and the layer to layer defects looks a little less pronounced. 

The difference between the S3D and PS are mainly in the corners (slightly Moree blobs on the S3D), the top layer on S3D is not ideal (as concentric, rather than linear infill pattern) and the letters (in the photo, S3D looks better, but in life, PS is better).


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