Decent print on the V0, finally...

After 2-3 weeks of tweaking and adjusting, I finally got a decent print out of the V0. See the pictures below. The black is using e-Sun ABS+ and the green Prusament PLA. I did around 10-12 tests of the PLA, and I always got poor print quality on the small corners and overhands. After tweaking a whole range of parameters, I realised it was the part cooling. So I changed to ABS, which does not have any part cooling, and first print was so much better! 

During this process, I tweaked the following. 

  1. Adjust the way the cables from the hot end runs past the A-B belts. The heater cartridge cable is very thick and was rubbing against the A-B belts onto the 1515 frame and causing some resistance. I cut off part of the left hot end fan to allow the cables to sit flush. 
  2. Ditto on the left hand side, but did not have the cut the fan duct, just had to sit the extrusion better. 
  3. Fixed in place the right hand Y linear rail. 
  4. Re-connected the solder joint for the X sensor.
  5. Adjusted the extruder motor current to 0.17. 
  6. Tweaked the slicer profile, and removed Z-lift/hop, set retraction to 4.5mm (for both ABS and PLA), etc. Will post the slicer profile later. 
  7. Made a few tweaks with the printer.cfg, will post later. 
In good light, the black looks pretty good, just some inconsistent layer width, which is to do with the Z-axis. I could not quite detect a periodic 2mm error, I could see a periodic 4mm error, so it is likely Z-banding. But under normal diffuse light, the quality is reasonable. Final print speed is at 75mm/sec and the quality wasn't too bad. Now to start printing some replacement parts (or a benchy) and see how the printer actually handles real objects!


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