V0 Getting closer...

 Managed to (finally) model the rear skirt that incorporates the power switch and the DC power inlet. First time in a long time that I modelled a part for production. This was done in Rhino, as I have much more experience in it than Fusion, Blender or FreeCAD. A few items to note.

  1. The switches were meant to be on the other side, but I modelled it face down, hence when it was extruded, it was  reversed, no big deal as it could be mirrored in the Slicer. 
  2. The fixing holes in the feet are modelled at 3.2mm, but did not allow for enough tolerance in the overall width of the build (as the frame was not exactly 230mm wide due to cutting and squaring tolerances), so I had to drill them out to 4.0mm, and now fits well. Not sure if the holes need to be small slots to allow for thermal expansion, if so, I would expect no more than ±0.2mm.
  3. Not all the edges are filleted, but the printer kind of took out the sharp edges. 
  4. Printed ok, a very slight lift at the corbel on the feet next to the switch, around 0.5mm, makes no impact. 
  5. Did not bother trying to model the hex cells, and used rectangular instead. 

For my next V0, I will improve upon those items above. I would like to put a fan in here, but given it is overall 30mm high, it will be hard to even fit a 30x30mm fan. For the second build, may consider raising this higher to 45mm or something, to fit a 40x40mm fan, along with a bottom cover for the electronics also. That is, a completely different skirt design. 


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