V0 Parts in ABS+

My order of E-sun ABS+ arrived today, and I ran the first part through the printer, with pretty much stock settings from Simplify3D. The left is my dialed in settings for PETG and the right is the first ABS print. I have not printed with ABS since I first got my M3D, and it has been a while. 

Overall, the print turned out pretty good, the flow could be increased slightly, and on my second batch print, I am using a flow rate of 105%. The was no warping, and the surfaces came out real good. However, there was the ABS odor, which I really do not like, but have to get the V0 up and running with the enclosed cabinet and filter to reduce the smell. 

The E-sun ABS+ was pretty good, the filament felt soft compared with the PLA and PETG that I am used to, and the roll uncoiled itself during the early stages of the print, but now seems to be running fine. Overall, seemingly a good filament, though I have only printed one object with it. 


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