V2.4 First Layer Settings

 Did a little experimentation with Simplfy3D and the settings that I have decided on to get nice first layer is:

  • First Layer Width = 110%
  • First Layer Extrusion Multiplier = 115%
  • Z Offset = -0.05mm

The base settings for my e-Sun ABS+ are as below. To adjust the first layer extrusion multiplier, as S3D does not have a normal setting for this, I have had to use their 'Scripts' and the 'Post Processing' option to set the first layer with a M221 command to 115% (of 93% which means a global value of 107%) and then set it back to 100% (of 93%) for the second layer. Note that this will have to be changed for each different layer height. 

You may ask that sample 2 below looks better than 6 (which is the final setting), but in differing lighting, 6 looks consistently better, but only very marginally. I can probably dial back the extrusion multiplier to 110% and not have any real issues. 


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